Self-Care: The Ultimate Career Move for Corporate Professionals

Self-Care - the ultimate career move

You know the feeling. The never-ending to-do list, the constant pressure to meet deadlines, the gnawing anxiety that keeps you up at night. As a corporate professional, the demands of your job can leave you feeling drained, both physically and emotionally. It’s tempting to push through, to put self-care on the back burner. But here’s … Read more

Managing Blood Sugar Naturally – Why diet & medication are not enough

Managing blood sugar naturally - why diet & medication are not enough

As you know, juggling a demanding career in the corporate world can take a toll on your health. One common issue is blood sugar dysregulation. Constant deadlines, long hours, and pressure can lead to unhealthy eating habits, stress, and ultimately, blood sugar imbalances. While diet plays a crucial role, it’s not the whole picture. Today, … Read more

How to Reset Your Brain When You’re Overwhelmed & Anxious

Learn how to reset your brain with energy medicine

Let’s talk about something very familiar to most of us – stress, particularly chronic stress often experienced in the corporate world. We all know the feeling – tight deadlines, demanding workloads, and the constant pressure to perform. But what you might not realize is how chronic stress can impact your brain health and cognitive function. … Read more

Why Do My Feet Hurt?

High Heels – A Power Walk or A Power Down? High heels click-clacking down the hallway – a symbol of power and sophistication in the corporate world. But beneath the sleek veneer lies a potential detriment to your physical health and well-being. While high heels can elevate your confidence, they can also elevate your risk … Read more

Sleep Your Way to Better Leadership

sleeping kitten and lion

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are and to lead others.” adapted from E. E. Cummings What is leadership? When you think of leadership, you might think about the workplace. What else comes to mind? Do you think about what YOU are aspiring to lead, to make a difference with … Read more

Stay Healthy While Travelling

Travel is good for the soul

* Some of the links on this page are affiliate links.  If you make a purchase from my link, I may receive a small commission but this does not cost you any extra. A couple of weeks ago, I went on a business trip.  We had a lot of meetings so we were cooped up … Read more

Natural Pain Relief

essential oils with flowers

Dealing with pain is a struggle most of us face in our lives at one point or the other, often for long periods of time. Among other things, injuries, illnesses, and any kind of stress, whether physical or emotional, automatically manifests as pain in our body, especially in inflammatory conditions as the chemicals that the body releases to … Read more